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Theresa Woldbye Fehrenkamp


























Theresa is 25 years young. She was born on June 13th 1990, In Copenhagen Norway. Her tight knit family consists of Thor, her younger brother and loving parents, Ulla and Tom. "My relationship with my family is amazing! I’m very lucky and thankful for that. We are very close and I can tell them anything. I visit my parents as often as I can, and I live in the same building as my brother, so I get to see them all a lot."-Theresa


She grew up in a town called Gentofte. It’s right outside of Copenhagen which is the capital of Denmark. she reffered to her childhood as very safe and beautiful. "I attended good schools and had a lot of friends whom I still know and love today."


At age 21 Theresa began attending the University of Copenhagen. She moved to Nørrebro, which is in the center of Copenhagen. This was her fist time away from her parents household and  and she was now able to begin her new life in a brand new city, close to school. 


At the University of Copenhagen she achieved a degree in Danish language, literature and media science. Following this degree she continued her education  by accepting the opportunity to attend the Danish School of Media and Journalism. She is currently seeking her second bachelor degree within this school of media and journalism.


The Danish School of Media and Literature presented her with the once in a lifetime opportunity to study a semester abroad. She immidately took this opportunity and packed her bags for Hawaii. "I have a friend who went to HPU for a semester, she told me about it. It sounded like a great place to study and I wanted to see a part of the world that had never been to. So I applied and got accepted."





Hawaii was an excellent place for her 

to persue her degree and hobbies.

"I love the nature of Hawaii and I love to explore,

hiking is definitely one of my favorite things to do!

Also I love water – I have been swimming my whole life

and I really like every sport you can do in the water

especially surfing and diving.

I am going to learn how to surf this year!"




After her semester at Hpu she plans to return home to Denmark.

"I’m renting out my room at the moment, but I will get it back in January and then I have an internship for the next 1 to 5 years in Denmark. After that I will probably take another semester abroad, but I still don’t know where."


In ten years she plans on finding a job and a family that she loves. I will have my base in Denmark but I will travel a lot both with my future family and with my job.


She considers herself to be extremely lucky, her life has been beautiful thus far and she is happy with where she stands today. "I am one of the most privileged people in the whole world. And I wake up happy every day. I would be a fool not to feel lucky."


She defines life as being what you make it, with the ability to control how succesful your life is based on your own emotions. Theresa stated, "no life is the same and it’s really hard to explain exactly what life is – you have to experience it for yourself."


Her most actice hobbes include swimming and diving. "Here in Hawaii I added surfing and hiking to my list. Photography and writing are also two of my favorite things to do. I love to explore and experience things and I often take pictures and write about them." Swimming started out as just a fun thing to do for her but eventually she discovered her passion for teaching swim lessons; she currently has added Swimming Instructor to her work experience.

"I have been a swimming instructor for 10 years now. I believe that everything you do and experience is shaping you as a person, so of course my hobbies are also a part of me."


She takes photography and writing on a more serious level  than most. In a few years she plans on being a journalist, her photography and writing skills are essential for her future jobs. 


The most important aspect for her future is to be happy. She will acheive happiness through being a video journalist, by producing television and making documentaries."I want to be happy and to remain curious. The most important thing in life is to keep learning and to be kind and understanding."-Theresa Woldbye Fehrenkamp


The most special thing I have learened about Theresa is her individuality. She is a one of a kind humman being who is very corageous and family oriented. When asked to describe herself she said, "I am a person who tries hard. I try to be good to everyone I meet, and I strive to  get the most out of lifewhile sharing happiness with others. I know myself very well and I think that is a strength in life."


Interview by:

Cody Ells




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